RK6 Spares Ltd is now offering a free health check on your RubbleMaster machine until the end of March 2023. A member of our service team will come to your site and carry out a general health inspection of your RubbleMaster, whether it was purchased from Red Knight 6 or not and whatever age. Problems can arise without warning and our free health check will give you peace of mind around how your machine is performing.
The check is totally free. Our engineer may recommend repairs based on their findings, but we will never carry out work or charge extra without getting it approved by you first. The inspection usually takes about an hour, but is dependent on the age and condition of the machine.
- The free health check is for England and Wales based RubbleMaster machines only.
- The offer is open to all RubbleMaster machines based within the Red Knight 6 ltd territory, you do not have to have previously purchased the machine from Red Knight 6 Ltd.
- In order to book the engineer to visit your site please call the Red Knight 6 office on 01293 862619 or 07432 402 565, or email: spares@redknight6.co.uk
- The RK6 Spares engineer will be booked to carry out the health check on each individual RubbleMaster machine. This health check is free of charge.
- The customer will be informed of any issues that are found via the health check and given a quote to carry out the repairs.
- No remedial works will be carried out until approval and a P.O is provided by the customer • Work to any additional machines on site must be covered by a separate booking, also made through the RK6 Spares office.
- This offer shall be available until 31st March 2023 and bookings must be made before this date. • Engine checks will need to be carried out by the engine manufacturer. RK6 Spares can only offer opinion based on “sight” evaluations.
- All bookings are subject to change depending on engineer availability.